Spotify API

Spotify API

Connect with Spotify API without any backend.


Get Spotify metadata about music artists, albums, and tracks, directly from the Spotify Data Catalogue with NoCodeAPi without any coding and server setup.

Getting Started

We are assuming that you already signup on If not then first make an account and activate Spotify API from Marketplace.

To make Spotify API you have to Authenticate with your Spotify Account.

Click on Create Spotify API button then Authenticate with your Spotify Account. After authenticate you will be redirected back to the NoCodeAPI with a Modal, just follow the form and click on Create button. 🎉 Done!


There are following endpoints for Spotify API:

  • Search – Get Spotify Catalog information about albums, artists, playlists, tracks, shows or episodes that match a keyword string..
  • Browse Categories – Get a list of categories used to tag items in Spotify (on, for example, the Spotify player’s “Browse” tab)..
  • Browse Category Playlist – Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category..
  • Browse featured – Get a list of Spotify featured playlists (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s ‘Browse’ tab)..
  • Browse new – Get a list of Spotify new playlists (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s ‘Browse’ tab)..
  • Following – Get the current user’s followed artists..
  • My Playlists – Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by the current Spotify user..
  • My Library – Get a list of saved items in the current Spotify user’s ‘Your Music’ library..
  • Playlists – Retrieving information about a user’s playlists.
  • Artists – Get Spotify catalog information for a single artist identified by their unique Spotify ID and artists albums, top tracks, related artists.

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