Firebase Admin

Firebase Admin

Easiest way to connect with your Firebase data and get users emails, firestore data, & more.


Firebase is mostly used into Android & Web application to use as a backend service like databse, authentication, real-time database, storage, & more.

Getting Started

We are assuming that you already signup on If not then first make an account and activate Firebase Admin API from Marketplace.

To make Firebase Admin API we need:

  • Private key JSON file – Go to Project settings int your Firebase -> Service account -> Clic on button Generate private key

Click on Create Firebase Admin API button then give a name + upload the json file you download from your firebase account and click on Create button. 🎉 Done!


There are following endpoints for Firebase Admin API:

  • List all users – List all users.
  • User by uid – User details by uid
  • User by email – User details by email
  • List Documents – list documents.

Video Tutorial


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