Pipedrive API

Pipedrive is the #1 CRM tool to manage your sales leads and grow your business.

Get all deals

Make GET request on this endpoint to get all deals with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
user_id [Optional] If supplied, only deals matching the given user will be returned.
stage_id [Optional] If supplied, only deals within the given stage will be returned.
status [Optional] Only fetch deals with specific status. If omitted, all not deleted deals are fetched. ex: open, won, lost, deleted
page [Optional] pagination
perPage [Optional] Total number of records you want in one request

Add a deal

Make POST request on this endpoint to add a deal with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
dealInfo [Required] Deal info to add like: title, currency, user_id, status, etc.

– Body data format example:

    "title": "deal name"

Updates a deal.

Make PUT request on this endpoint to updates a deal. with required parameters(if any required).



Delete deal

Make DELETE request on this endpoint to delete deal with required parameters(if any required).


Search deal

Make DELETE request on this endpoint to search deal with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
term [Required] The search term to look for. Minimum 2 characters (or 1 if using exact_match).
fields [Required] A comma-separated string array.
exact_match [Optional] true or false
person_id [Optional] Will filter Deals by the provided Person ID.
organization_id [Optional] Will filter Deals by the provided Organization ID
status [Optional] open = Open, won = Won, lost = Lost.
include_fields [Optional] Supports including optional fields in the results which are not provided by default.
page [Optional] pagination
perPage [Optional] ddelete

Get all persons

Make GET request on this endpoint to get all persons with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
user_id [Optional] If supplied, only deals matching the given user will be returned.
stage_id [Optional] If supplied, only deals within the given stage will be returned.
status [Optional] Only fetch deals with specific status. If omitted, all not deleted deals are fetched. ex: open, won, lost, deleted
page [Optional] pagination
perPage [Optional] Total number of records you want in one request

Add a person

Make POST request on this endpoint to add a person with required parameters(if any required).


– Request Parameters :
Object Description
personInfo [Required] Person info to add like: name, owner_id, org_id, email, phone, etc.

– Body data format example:

    "name": "person name"

Update a person

Make PUT request on this endpoint to update a person with required parameters(if any required).


Delete a person

Make DELETE request on this endpoint to delete a person with required parameters(if any required).


Search person

Make DELETE request on this endpoint to search person with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
term [Required] The search term to look for. Minimum 2 characters (or 1 if using exact_match).
fields [Optional] A comma-separated string array.
exact_match [Optional] true or false
organization_id [Optional] Will filter Deals by the provided Organization ID
include_fields [Optional] Supports including optional fields in the results which are not provided by default.
page [Optional] pagination
perPage [Optional] ddelete