List all the Google Trends Lists.




Object Description
keywords [Required] Keywords one or more separated by comma (,)
location_name [Optional] full name of search engine location if you don’t use this field, you will recieve global results if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_code
location_code [Optional] search engine location code. if you don’t use this field, you will recieve global results if you use this field, you don’t need to specify location_name you can receive the list of available locations of the search engines with their location_code by making a separate request
language_name [Optional] full name of search engine language. Default value: English
language_code [Optional] search engine language code. if you use this field, you don’t need to specify language_nameyou can receive the list of available languages of the search engine with their language_code by making a separate. eg. en
type [Optional] google trends type. If you don’t specify this field, the web type will be used by default possible values: web, news, youtube, images, froogle
date_from [Optional] starting date of the time range, if you don’t specify this field, the current day and month of the preceding year will be used by defaultminimal value for the web type: 2004-01-01minimal value for other types: 2008-01-01
date_to [Optional] Keywords one or more separated by comma (,)
time_range [Optional] Keywords one or more separated by comma (,)

List Google Trends data from your search history

Params :

Object Description
keywords [Required] Keywords one or more separated by comma (,)

Delete Records

Delete Google Trends History Records


Object Description
keywords [Optional] Keywords one or more separated by comma (,). One of Keywords or history_id is required
history_id [Optional] History id of Google Trend to delete. One of Keywords or history_id is required

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