Supabase API

Supabase is an alternative to Firebase for Postgres Database, Authentication, instant APIs, realtime subscriptions and Storage. So, now you can connect them with simple secured endpoints


Table Data

Make GET request on this endpoint to table data with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tableName [Required] Name of table
selectString [Optional] select query to customize the response
page [Optional] Page number
perPage [Optional] Number of object in a page call.

Add Data

Make POST request on this endpoint to add data with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tableName [Required] Name of table
body [Required] An array of object to add into table

– Body data format example:

        "name": "james",
        "email": "[email protected]"
        "name": "marry",
        "email": "[email protected]"

Update Data

Make PUT request on this endpoint to update data with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tableName [Required] Name of table
body [Required] object data with matchObj and newData required

– Body data format example:

    "matchObj": {
        "id": 1
    "newData": {
        "name": "bhassi 2",
        "email": "[email protected]"

Delete Data

Make DELETE request on this endpoint to delete data with required parameters(if any required).


– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tableName [Required] Name of table
body [Required] An object to delete

– Body data format example:

    "id": 1

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