Google Drive

Google Drive

Get your drive files information as JSON format with simple API endpoints without coding.


Google Drive service to store, share, and access your files from any device. So, now you can also access your files information as JSON without any coding.

Getting Started

We are assuming that you already signup on If not then first make an account and activate Google Drive API from Marketplace

To make Google Drive API you have to Authenticate with your Google Account.

Click on Create Google Drive API button then authenticate with your Google Account. After authenticate you will be redirected back to the NoCodeAPI with a Modal, just follow the form and click on Create button. 🎉 Done!


There are following endpoints for Google Drive API:

  • List files – Lists or searches files.
  • Single file – Gets a file’s metadata or content by ID.
  • Upload file – The type of upload request to the /upload URI.
  • Upload Remote file – The type of upload any remote file via url.
  • Delete File – Delete your drive file with simple endpoint.
  • Download file – Download your drive file with simple GET request.