Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange

Free & reliable Currency exchange rates API for real-time, Foreign exchange rates, currency conversion, and historical data with a single API.


We have super reliable and trusted source for forex data. With Currency Exchange API you can get real time rates of currency for 144 countries.

Getting Started

We are assuming that you already signup on If not then first make an account and activate Currency Exchange API from Marketplace.

To make Currecny API just give a name and that’s all.

Click on Create Currency Exchange API button then put required values into form and click on Create button. 🎉 Done


There are following endpoints for Currency Exchange API:

  • Currency Rates – Get the Currency prices(rates) and exchanges to other currency.
  • Currency Convert Rates – Convert One currency amount into another currency amount with simple API call.
  • Supported Countries – Currently, we are supporting 144 Countries with trusted and reliable rates.

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