Setup Zoho email API to send transactional email without any server setup or coding
Make GET request on this endpoint to list emails with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
folderId |
[Optional] Folder Id of the folder for which the emails need to be retrieved. |
limit |
[Optional] The number of emails to be retrieved from the start value mentioned. The default value is 10 |
status |
[Optional] unread or read |
flagid |
[Optional] To retrieve emails based on a specific flag. |
labelid |
[Optional] To retrieve emails based on a specific label. |
sortBy |
[Optional] date, messageId, size |
sortorder |
[Optional] true - ascending; fasle - descending |
includeto |
[Optional] include; false - do not include |
includearchive |
[Optional] include; false - do not include |
includesent |
[Optional] include; false - do not include |
attachedMails |
[Optional] emails with attachments; false - all emails |
inlinedMails |
[Optional] true - emails with inlines; false - all emails |
flaggedMails |
[Optional] true - emails with flags; false - all emails |
respondedMails |
[Optional] true - emails with replies; false - all emails |
threadedMails |
[Optional] true - emails that are conversations; false - all emails |
Make PUT request on this endpoint to update email with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
messageID |
[Required] Single or Multiple Message Ids which need to be marked as read, unread, archive, unarchive. |
mode |
[Required] markAsRead, markAsUnread, archiveMails, unArchiveMails |
Make GET request on this endpoint to search with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
searchKey |
[Required] To search for new emails, provide the searchKey as newMails. |
parameter |
[Optional] entire, content, sender, to, cc, subject, fileName, fileContent |
receivedTime |
[Optional] By default, the value is before 2 minutes. |
limit |
[Optional] The number of emails to be retrieved from the start value mentioned. The default value is 10. |
includeto |
[Optional] Whether the To details need to be included or not. |
Make POST request on this endpoint to send email with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
fromAddress |
[Required] Sender's email address for the From field |
toAddress |
[Required] Recipient email address for the To field |
ccAddress |
[Optional] Recipient email address for the Cc field |
content |
[Optional] Email content |
bccAddress |
[Optional] Recipient email address for the Bcc field |
subject |
[Optional] Default value is UTF-8. Other allowed encoding values are Big5, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB2312, ISO-2022-JP,ISO-8859-1,KOI8-R,Shift_JIS,US-ASCII,UTF-8,WINDOWS-1251,X-WINDOWS-ISO2022JP |
encoding |
[Optional] Whether you need to request Read receipt from the recipient. If required, enter the value as "yes". |
Make GET request on this endpoint to list folders with required parameters(if any required).