Zoho Mail API

Setup Zoho email API to send transactional email without any server setup or coding

List Emails

Make GET request on this endpoint to list emails with required parameters(if any required).


– Request Parameters :
Object Description
folderId [Optional] Folder Id of the folder for which the emails need to be retrieved.
limit [Optional] The number of emails to be retrieved from the start value mentioned. The default value is 10
status [Optional] unread or read
flagid [Optional] To retrieve emails based on a specific flag.
labelid [Optional] To retrieve emails based on a specific label.
sortBy [Optional] date, messageId, size
sortorder [Optional] true - ascending; fasle - descending
includeto [Optional] include; false - do not include
includearchive [Optional] include; false - do not include
includesent [Optional] include; false - do not include
attachedMails [Optional] emails with attachments; false - all emails
inlinedMails [Optional] true - emails with inlines; false - all emails
flaggedMails [Optional] true - emails with flags; false - all emails
respondedMails [Optional] true - emails with replies; false - all emails
threadedMails [Optional] true - emails that are conversations; false - all emails

Update Email

Make PUT request on this endpoint to update email with required parameters(if any required).


– Request Parameters :
Object Description
messageID [Required] Single or Multiple Message Ids which need to be marked as read, unread, archive, unarchive.
mode [Required] markAsRead, markAsUnread, archiveMails, unArchiveMails

Make GET request on this endpoint to search with required parameters(if any required).


– Request Parameters :
Object Description
searchKey [Required] To search for new emails, provide the searchKey as newMails.
parameter [Optional] entire, content, sender, to, cc, subject, fileName, fileContent
receivedTime [Optional] By default, the value is before 2 minutes.
limit [Optional] The number of emails to be retrieved from the start value mentioned. The default value is 10.
includeto [Optional] Whether the To details need to be included or not.

Send Email

Make POST request on this endpoint to send email with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
fromAddress [Required] Sender's email address for the From field
toAddress [Required] Recipient email address for the To field
ccAddress [Optional] Recipient email address for the Cc field
content [Optional] Email content
bccAddress [Optional] Recipient email address for the Bcc field
subject [Optional] Default value is UTF-8. Other allowed encoding values are Big5, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB2312, ISO-2022-JP,ISO-8859-1,KOI8-R,Shift_JIS,US-ASCII,UTF-8,WINDOWS-1251,X-WINDOWS-ISO2022JP
encoding [Optional] Whether you need to request Read receipt from the recipient. If required, enter the value as "yes".

List Folders

Make GET request on this endpoint to list folders with required parameters(if any required).
