Snipcart is an headerless system to manage your shoping cart with there SDK and you can access your customers, orders, products, & subscription data with REST APIs.
Make GET request on this endpoint to all orders with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
page |
[Optional] Pagination |
perPage |
[Optional] Number of results to fetch. Default is 20. |
status |
[Optional] A status criteria for your order collection. Possible values: (InProgress, Processed, Disputed, Shipped, Delivered, Pending, Cancelled) |
invoiceNumber |
[Optional] The invoice number of the order to retrieve. |
productId |
[Optional] Returns only orders containing that product. |
placedBy |
[Optional] The name of the person who made the purchase. |
from |
[Optional] Returns only the orders placed after this date. |
to |
[Optional] Returns only the orders placed before this date. |
isRecurringOrder |
[Optional] Returns only the orders that are recurring or not. |
Make PUT request on this endpoint to update order with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
taken |
[Required] order token |
body |
[Required] Pass an array of row array into body |
– Body data format example:
"status": "",
"paymentStatus": "",
"trackingNumber": "",
"trackingUrl": "",
"metadata": {}
Make GET request on this endpoint to single order with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
token |
[Required] order token |
Make GET request on this endpoint to list customers with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
Page |
[Optional] Pagination |
perPage |
[Required] Number of results to fetch. Default is 20. |
status |
[Optional] The status of your customers, Confirmed means that the customers have created an account and Unconfirmed are those who checked out as guests. |
email |
[Optional] The email of the customer who placed the order. |
name |
[Optional] The name of the customer who placed the order. |
from |
[Optional] Returns only the customers created after this date. |
to |
[Optional] Returns only the customers created before this date. |
Make GET request on this endpoint to customer orders with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
id |
[Required] customer id |
Make GET request on this endpoint to list products with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
page |
[Optional] Pagination |
perPage |
[Optional] Number of results to fetch. Default is 20. |
userDefinedId |
[Optional] The product ID defined by the user. |
from |
[Optional] Filter products to return those that have been bought from specified date. |
to |
[Optional] Filter products to return those that have been bought until specified date |
orderBy |
[Optional] Sort products to return them in the requested order. Possible values: nbrSales (return products sorted by the number of times they were sold), salesValue (return products sorted by the total sales generated by these products) and creationDate (return products sorted by creation date, newest products first). |
Make GET request on this endpoint to single product with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
id |
[Required] product id |