Google Sheet API

How to connect and use Google Sheet API(sheet2json, sheet2api) as JSON endpoints to get rows as JSON, add rows, update rows, delete rows, create spreadsheets. Use Google Sheet JSON API as your backend and bypass API limits.

Get rows

Make GET request on this endpoint to get rows with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tabId [Required] Your Sheet Tab name. (ex: Sheet1)
row_id [Optional] If you want one row
perPage [Optional] Total number of records you want in one request.
page [Optional] Page number
filterBy [Optional] key to filter result
filterValue [Optional] text value to filter the rows
filterType [Optional] How you want to filter: default is equal. Valid values are equalcontaingreater - only for integar, less - only for integar
valueRenderOption [Optional] Determines how values should be rendered in the output. FORMATTED_VALUE, UNFORMATTED_VALUE or FORMULA

Add new Rows

Make POST request on this endpoint to add new rows with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
tabId[Required] Your Sheet Tab name. (ex: Sheet1)
body[Required] Array of row array into body
        "Mohd Danish",


Update row

Make PUT request on this endpoint to update row with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
tabId[Required] Your Sheet Tab name. (ex: Sheet1)
body[Required] Object of row into body with row_id
    "row_id": 3,
    "name": "NoCodeAPI v2",
    "email": ""

Delete row

Make DELETE request on this endpoint to delete row with required parameters(if any required).

Request Parameters :
Object Description
tabId [Required] Your Sheet Tab name. (ex: Sheet1)
row_id [Required] Row id of your sheet of which you want to delete

Add new Rows as JSON objects

Make POST request on this endpoint to add new rows as json objects with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
tabId[Required] Your Sheet Tab name. (ex: Sheet1)
body[Required] Array of key value objects into body
        "name": "jack",
        "message": "is a programmer"
        "name": "brian",
        "message": "loves food"

Create new Spreedsheet

Make POST request on this endpoint to create new spreedsheet with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
title[Optional] pass title query params

Make GET request on this endpoint to search with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
tabId[Required] Your Sheet Tab name. (ex: Sheet1)
searchKey[Required] search key to find result
searchValue[Required] text value to search
searchType[Optional] How you want to search: default is equal. Valid values are equal, contain, greater - only for integar, less - only for integar
valueRenderOption[Optional] Determines how values should be rendered in the output. FORMATTED_VALUE, UNFORMATTED_VALUE or FORMULA