Connect with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to access your object without any coding
Make GET request on this endpoint to list buckets with required parameters(if any required).
Make GET request on this endpoint to list bucket objects with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
bucketName |
[Required] bucket name |
Make GET request on this endpoint to get object with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
bucketName |
[Required] bucket name |
objectKey |
[Required] Object Key |
Make POST request on this endpoint to put object with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
bucketName |
[Required] Pass the text |
file |
[Required] file to upload |
fileName |
[Optional] file name |
[Optional] a set of predefined grants like `private`, `public-read`, `public-read-write`, `aws-exec-read`, `authenticated-read`, `bucket-owner-read`, `bucket-owner-full-control`, `log-delivery-write` |
Make POST request on this endpoint to upload remote file with required parameters(if any required).
Object | Description |
bucketName |
[Required] Pass the text |
url |
[Required] file to upload |
fileName |
[Optional] file name |
[Optional] a set of predefined grants like `private`, `public-read`, `public-read-write`, `aws-exec-read`, `authenticated-read`, `bucket-owner-read`, `bucket-owner-full-control`, `log-delivery-write` |