Airtable API

How to connect with Airtable API to get records, add records, update records, and delete with simple HTTP REST API. With NoCodeAPI you can secure your API keys and bypass the rate limit with NoCode.

Get Records

Make POST request on this endpoint to send text to channel with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tableName [Required] Name of your Airtable base table.
fields [Optional] Only data for fields whose names are in this list will be included in the result. with seprated commas
id [Optional] record id.
view [Optional] By default is 'Grid view'
perPage [Optional] Total number of records you want in one request.(0-100). PRO users can get more than 100 records or pass 'all' to get all.. Just pass perPage=all
offset [Optional] To get next page records.
sortBy [Optional] Field Name by which you wanna sort the response
sortDirection [Optional] Sort the responce ascending or descending order
filterByFormula [Optional] A formula used to filter records. Here is list of formulas

Create new Records

Make POST request on this endpoint to send object data to channel with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tableName [Required] Name of your Airtable base table.
typecast [Optional] To enable Automatic conversion. true or false
body [Required] Pass an array of row array into body

– Body data format example:

        "title": "Example 2",
        "website": ""

Update Records

Make PUT request on this endpoint to update records with required parameters(if any required).


– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tableName [Required] Name of your Airtable base table.
body [Required] Pass an array of row array into body

– Body data format example:

        "id": "rec2CO7nLufSs5pKx",
        "fields": {
            "title": "New Example 2",
            "website": ""

Delete Records

Make DELETE request on this endpoint to delete records with required parameters(if any required).

– Request Parameters :
Object Description
tableName [Required] Name of your Airtable base table.
body [Required] Pass an array of row array into body

– Body data format example:
